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Stumped for Lyrics?

When making a song, a good way to create emotion within your piece is to convey it through lyrics.

They give something the listener to relate to and can help create something meaningful to them.

Having strong lyrics can really help your song feel more accomplished. (unless you're creating a purely instrumental piece.)

What is the song about?

This is something you will want to think over, find topics or subjects that you feel connected to.

The subject you choose will often define what your songs means and what the lyrics may be.

For example, a common one people will choose is 'love'. Its something everyone will one day experience in their life and can relate to in some extent. Perhaps you've been heartbroken, or you want to write a ballad for a loved one. These are examples of topics.

Brainstorm some words.

What comes into your head when you think about your subject, write it all down. you may find that you're able to come up with some interesting combinations when you add your words together. You could also try to see what words may rhyme with the ones you come up with, to allow your song to have a better rhythm.

The Chorus.

Always start with this section of your song. Its where your most important lyrics will be going as they have to be catchy and rememberable or else it wouldn't really be the chorus. Build the chorus with emotion and make it feel like everything being put into this one section. As in a way your verses are the parts that lead up to this chorus to help create that impact.

The Verses.

Think of these parts as the adventure that leads up to the big battle, they have to tell a story that links to the chorus. Your verses can be quite lengthy or even short if you want to, it just has to be in contrast to your chorus or else it will feel as though the whole song is in a structure of verses.

If you're really stuck...

Find a poem you feel connected to and try to change it in ways to fit your melody line that you may have, this will allow you to take inspiration and rhythm from a previously created one. Some may find this easier if they have difficulty creating lyrics.

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